Saturday, February 12, 2011


Needless to say the initial forecast was not what was showing out the window!
Forecast was rain overcast and easterlies.

Yep-some easterlies but no rain no overcast.
Unfortunately we were down to two towplanes to start towing as BZA was having a wee "fix" until it was ready for the last few tows.

Easterliy wave was around at the start of the launch and some starters took advantage of this to start the first leg at 6500ft.  Most made it to the first turn in lovely fluffy skies.  Then a blue hole near Tokoroa gave 6 gliders the opportunity to take an aero retrieve from Tokoroa airfield.  

Some fantastic efforts with gliders almost getting around and only TD making the finish line.

Overall scores changed and the "money" changed hands with CS still in the lead.

A nice competition dinner last night with the Matamata Soaring Centre Trophies being awarded. Nice to have Ruth Pride(Pride Trophy) and Ann Jonson(Johnson Plate) here to aware those trophies.  Most meritorious flight went to Paul Schofield for almost finishing day 3 in the PW5 after having kept up with Discuss pilots throughout the journey.

Today Sunday it looks like there might be an opportunity to fly so pilots have rigged and are ready.


Keep it up

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