Thursday, February 10, 2011


It seems that this season the creators of the "wiggly lines". ie weather forecasting services, seem to have it not quite right.

This week we have rarely had the weather materialise that has been forecast. ALtho credit where it is due. Mondays mid day forecast did arrive at 6pm.

Yesterday(Thursday) was a little unusual as the forecast 4,000ft 4knt thermal scattered cloud did materialise. Everywhere except the Matamata tasking area.  Hamilton great, Taupo great, Cambridge great......It was most annoying after calling the day at 1:30pm to see the 2pm Satellite shot showing just a large tongue of cloud reaching over the Kaimai Ranges to lick the area down to Tokoroa and up the Matamata "valley".

At least it gave the opportunity for some pilots to wet their whistle and vigourously debate why(or why not)  that Club Class Nationals should use large circle AAT tasks.  It was interesting to challenge the opinions and generate some of that stuff called "thinking".

Today we take a minute to remember Trevor Atkins and his last contest day - 3 years ago today.

Keep it up


  1. The squiggly lines were correct...we needed 25 degrees to get a never got that hot.
    By contrast the RASP called it wrong Thursday and wednesday...

  2. Hard to believe its been 3 years. RIP Trev, you are not forgotten.
