Saturday, February 5, 2011

Practice Day

Practice Day started out hot and humid with cloud around 1000ft when temperature hit 30 the cloud base was up around 2500-3000ft.
Vehicle & boat took out power pole and power to the airfield. Towplane couldnt refuel(electric pumps) launching stopped....buggar...other 2 towplanes turning up crack of dawn Sunday....

Looks like 25 entrants couple of cancellations offset by a couple of late entries...

The main question on peoples minds. How will the scoring handle such a wide range of handicaps....time will tell and we may have to reschedule some scoring to best reflect the situation as it arises but in the meantime. All will be scored off the published handicaps.

Task setters looking forward to challenging tasks with a bunch of pure racing tasks as well as a few Assigned Area Tasks chucked in to the mix.

Talk of tasks being 200-400kms given the soarability window availability

Tomorrow(Sunday) will start the ball rolling with briefing at 10:30 and launching ??around noon.

Our face book page  Matamata Nationals will be updated during the day. Soaring Spot will provide information on Tasks and scores...

Keep it up

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