Sunday, January 23, 2011

EARLY BIRD Registrations

At close of early bird registrations on 20th we had 23 Entries.
So we are guessing a field around mid 20's.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A word from the Caterer


Yes, the kitchen will provide prepared food able to be purchased fresh each day.
To enhance your gliding experience and assist the caterer (that’s Jan Mace), to make your life easier and to keep prices down……..
You are Invited to book your catering requirements
This is an indication and can be done prior to arriving or at the first briefing.
(a) full catering most days – breakfast, morning & afternoon tea, lunch, dinner     $28 /day = $196 for the week
(b) part catering most days – morning tea $3, lunch $6, Dinner $12    $21/day = $147 for the week
(c) casual meals and lunches

The weekly rate will then have allowances for weather contingencies or absences and you can settle your bill at the end of the week along with your accommodation, tows etc.
EFTPOS. Cash or cheques are accepted. Remember I will endeavour to cater for dietary requirements. And yes, food of some sort will be available practise day.

Finer Details:  Breakfast will mostly be in the form of “serve yourself” from a selection of
-          cornflakes,/muesli, yoghurt, fruit, toast with toppings, tea/coffee

                      Lunch – big salad sandwich plus a side nibble of fruit or drink or muesli bar or yoghurt

                       Dinner – meat & veges or meat & salad & fresh bread plus light dessert

                        Morning/afternoon teas – tea or coffee (of course!!) with cake or biscuit (mostly home made!)

Welcome to 2011

Now that Omarama Multi Nats is over I can concentrate on the Matamata Club Class Comps.

Unfortunately I have arrived home with a good dose of head flu....buggar!

As at Wed 19th January I have received 18 entries with at least 3 others I know who have said they are coming. Remember it helps the organisers tremendously if you enter if you are uncertain.  You can always cancel later at no cost.

The Matamata Soaring Centre competition will be run alongside the Club Class Nationals and will have their own trophies and "Day" prizes.  So rollup rollup. Remember we can only have a seperate class if we have 4 or more entries.  ie 4* Open/18 metre, 4*15m/Standard or 4*Sports/PW5 class.

If there are not enough entries to make a sepertate class you can always enter the club class but you cant stick water in the big "weapons".   Might be an interesting experience for some hotshots to fly without water?

Weather will be presented by David Jensen who has been forecasting out of Tauranga for a number of years.
See his Blog at

Tasks will be a team including Steve Wallace who for many years dominated the club class and Tim Bromhead, Piako resident who is fast climbing up the ranks. They will be supported by Dave and yours truly(keeping an overview of whats what:-)  I understand that they are fully focussed to give some hard & meaningful tasks and not woosie tasks that may have been set in the past.

Remember this competitions is about finding New Zealands Champion pilots where all can play in  the same sandpit.

Keep it up